This Library contains documents from all recent United Church governance meetings, including General Council and its Executive. It will also soon include “Our Beliefs Explained” official policy documents dating back several decades. If you can't find something you think should be included, contact
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Bounds of CouncilThat the bounds of the 44thGeneral Council annual meeting 2024 be the virtual meeting room and the telephone connections to that meeting space.Corresponding MembersThat the following ...
The General Secretary recommends that the 44th General Council, 2024...
With the enactment of “Remit 4: Funding a New Model”, it was intended that all pastoral charges would share in funding both regional and denominational governance work in a proportional and transparent way.
The General Council needs to appoint one member to serve the duration of a term on the General Council Executive for a vacancy that has arisen since the last General Council Annual meeting.
MembershipThe 44th General Council in 2022 elected the following members to its Executive to serve until the rise of the 46th General Council, 2028: Michael Caveney (OM), M Chorney (LM), Catherine Glo...
On behalf of General Council, the Audit Committee has carried out its assigned duties from 2019 through 2024, adjusting for pandemic related constraints. The audit committee focuses on:the quality of ...
The national work of anti-racism and equity continues to be guided by the United Church’s National Anti-Racism Action Plan, which was initially shaped by the Anti-Racism Common Table, a national churc...
There are three ways of looking at the big picture for a quarter: dashboard, graph and narrative. Averages for each strategic objective area and the overall average is calculated from all activated ac...
The General Secretary's Accountability Report for the 2024 GC44 Annual MeetingTopics include:2024 Annual Strategic PlanFinancial PlanningCentennial CelebrationThen Let Us Sing!300 Bloor StreetEmergent...
Moderator Carmen Lansdowne's Accountability Report for the Annual Meeting of General Council 44.Topics include the following (and more):Rumbling with Mission and EvangelismMinistry vacancies & cre...