As Amended by the Executive Council of the General Council, November 1989.
As Christians we wish to affirm:
The sanctity of human life, born or unborn. That life is much more that physical existence.
We also affirm that:
The taking of human life is evil.
Our concern must not be limited to a concern for the unborn but it must also include a concern for the quality of life as a whole.
Life in this imperfect world often places us in a complex circumstances of moral dilemma and ambiguity where values ultimate in themselves seem at times to be in conflict with other values and rights.
We are called as a people of God to take responsibility for our lives and the world in which we live. This may involve making grave decisions relating even to life itself.
Each of us is called upon in a freedom that is given by God and within the context of the community of faith to make responsible personal decisions, even when choosing between two wrongs.
As a forgiven people in Christ, it is possible for us to live in the midst of moral dilemmas.
Within our community strong difference of opinion on moral issues are our strength and not our weaknesses.
Early pregnancy counselling to help the woman to:
To inform the woman about:
GC28 1980 ROP