WHEREAS the fighting in Afghanistan has continued for more than four years; and
WHEREAS the citizens of Afghanistan and its refugees, as well as the citizens of countries receiving refugees, continue to suffer from the war in Afghanistan; and
WHEREAS Soviet troops remain in Afghanistan, despite the condemnation of the United Nations, various governments of the world, and non-governmental organizations, including the United Church of Canada; and
WHEREAS, as a signatory to the Helsinki Final Act, the USSR has affirmed the principle of non-intervention in the internal affairs of sovereign states and has agreed to refrain from the use of force in its relations with other states; and
WHEREAS these principles were reaffirmed by the “Helsinki States” in November, 1983 in the Concluding Document of the Madrid Review Conference; and
WHEREAS the deterioration of virtually all channels of communication between East and West ensures that the status quo is maintained in Afghanistan and is preventing a non-military resolution of the conflict:
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 30th General Council:
GC30 1984 ROP, pp. 110-111