GC30 Apartheid (1984A616)

Faith Base

Biblical calls to address injustice, inhumanity and racism compel us to reach out to oppressed sisters and brothers in South Africa, and call us to confront systems of repression and evil.

WHEREAS no authoritarian ruling class in history has forfeited power as long as it was confident that it could succeed through force; and

WHEREAS North American multinational corporations’ presence and involvement in apartheid South Africa reinforces the status quo, and encourages intransigence within the white ruling class regarding fundamental political changes; and

WHEREAS North American disengagement and withdrawal would definitely weaken this status quo and would create hope among Africans that they can still play a significant role in establishing a non-racial democratic Republic of South Africa; and

WHEREAS the present North American policy of “business as usual” means “apartheid as usual”; and

WHEREAS a majority of Africans want North Americans and other foreign investors to withdraw their investments from South Africa; and

WHEREAS the continued presence of North American corporations is viewed by Africans as being more beneficial to whites and the apartheid political system than to themselves; and

WHEREAS Africans believe that withdrawal of foreign investments from South Africa will force the government to begin initiating dialogues between Africans and whites as a basis for the establishment of democracy and majority rule; and

WHEREAS equalizing wages between African and white workers without changing the apartheid system will not ameliorate the socio-economic and political state of the African:

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the 30th General Council:

  1. REQUEST the Canadian government, through its Department of External Affairs, to request the governments of Britain, Japan, the United States of America and West Germany to cease and desist from engaging in any and all trade and commerce with the Republic of South Africa until such time as the policy of apartheid has been abandoned and replaced by the implementation of a non-racial democratic government;
  2. REQUEST that the Canadian Jewish Congress implore the government of Israel to cease and desist from further trade and commerce with the Republic of South Africa, specifically in the matter of selling and providing armaments;
  3. REQUEST that the United Nations’ Cultural Boycott led by Sidney Poitier and Harry Belafonte be appropriately advised of our commendation and whole-hearted support;
  4. REQUEST that the Canadian government refuse the privilege of entertaining in Canada and of further marketing their entertainment products such as films, television, records or books, to the two hundred entertainers listed by the United Nations, who have, in defiance of the United Nations Cultural boycott, entertained in the Republic of South Africa;
  5. REQUEST that the Seafarer’s International Union and the International Longshoreman’s Union be asked to refuse to load or unload, in Canada or the United States of America, any and all vessels coming from, or bound for, the Republic of South Africa;
  6. REQUEST that the Republic of South Africa be advised of the extreme displeasure and loathing the policy of apartheid causes western Christians.


GC30 1984 ROP, pp. 60, 569-570

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