GC31 Military Expenditures (1986M328)

WHEREAS vast sections of our world are suffering from starvation and deprivation (in the last 60 seconds $1 million was spent on armaments and 40 children died of starvation and malnutrition), much of which is caused by huge expenditures on arms and militarization (Canada’s military budget stands in excess of $8.7 billion or $375 per person per year), and the North-South Institute of Canada pointed out in a new analysis, “Disarmaments: Security in an Interdependent World,” that, “Curbing the global arms build-up would have an even more salutary effect for it would not only ease international tensions, but would also release substantial resources for the reduction of poverty worldwide”; and

WHEREAS the Very Reverend Lois Wilson, President of the World Council of Churches said, at the Vancouver Centennial Peace and Disarmament Symposium on April 26, 1986, that security does not lie in deterrence, but it is found through just, participatory and sustainable societies; and

WHEREAS Douglas Roche, Canada’s Ambassador for Disarmament, said recently, “Security in today’s world will remain unattainable as long as it continues to be defined solely in terms of numbers of armaments rather than in terms of accessibility to resources, opportunities for education and employment, and genuine improvement in the quality of life for all people”; and

WHEREAS Canada has also been suffering from recession with its accompanying deprivation of vast sectors of its population, and since converting to military, industrial expansion is morally reprehensible and leads to economic dependency on military expenditures which results in foreign domination of the economy:

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 31st General Council of The United Church of Canada:

  1. REQUEST the government of Canada, in its national budget, to increase socio-economic aid to Third World countries and to increase economic aid to the depressed economic sectors and welfare needs of our own country; and

  2. URGE the Canadian government to reduce its military expenditures by 10 per cent by the end of the 1987 fiscal year and divert the funds to Canada’s development assistance program;

  3. URGE the Canadian government, at the United Nations, to encourage other governments to take similar action;

  4. COMMUNICATE these requests to the Right Honourable Brian Mulroney, the Right Honourable John Turner, Mr. Ed Broadbent, MP, the Right Honourable Joe Clark, Minister of External Affairs, Mr. Douglas Roche, Canada’s Ambassador to the United Nations;

  5. URGE congregations and members of The United Church of Canada to write to their member of parliament to affirm the request of these resolutions.


GC31 1986 ROP, pp. 146-147, 630-631

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Originating Body

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