WHEREAS the right for all refugee claimants physically in Canada to an oral hearing on the merits of their refugee claims was upheld by the Supreme Court of Canada in 1985; and
WHEREAS the recently-proposed Canadian legislation governing refugee determination procedures excluded four groups of refugee claimants from the right to make such a claim after an initial screening by an immigration (not a refugee) officer; and
WHEREAS other faith communities have already voiced objection to this proposed restriction; and
WHEREAS the faith communities of Canada need to speak and act ecumenically to strengthen the voice of opposition:
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 31st General Council of The United Church of Canada join with other faith communities to urge the government of Canada to protect the fundamental right of all refugee claimants physically within Canada to have unrestricted access to Canada’s refugee determination procedure.
GC31 1986 ROP, pp. 155-156