WHEREAS during the 1950’s and early 1960’s a series of psychiatric experiments was conducted at the Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal, Quebec; and
WHEREAS Dr. Ewan Cameron, Director, combined the following techniques to achieve his goals;
Massive administrations of electro-shock therapy,
Administration of hallucinogenics including LSD,
Induced sleep for periods ranging from several weeks to several months; and
WHEREAS the Government of Canada provided approximately 90 per cent of the funding for these experiments through the Canadian Defence Research Board, and the C.I.A. provided approximately 10 per cent; and
WHEREAS there were some fatalities in these experiments, and at least 53 people have survived:
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 32nd General Council of The United Church of Canada urge the Government of Canada to ensure that such experimentation is not now being conducted and will not be conducted in Canada in the future.
GC32 1988 ROP, pp. 721-722, Executive Minutes, Nov. 1988, p.61