The 34th General Council agrees to
request the Division of Mission in Canada to educate congregations, presbyteries, and conferences that it is every child’s right to have the best nutrition and nurture available, and that it is the right of every woman who is involved in a nursing relationship to continue as a full participant in religious, economic, political, and social life; and
encourage provision for nursing breaks and on/or near site child care in all General Council, conference, and presbytery offices and all courts and pastoral charges; and
commend the federal Government of Canada for extending maternity benefits to six months so that mothers would have the option of exclusive breast feeding and encourage the government to extend these benefits to six months following the term date of pre-term babies; and
encourage the federal Government of Canada and provincial governments to offer incentives to employers to provide nursing breaks and on/or near-site child care for 24 hours, where applicable; and
encourage the federal Government of Canada and provincial governments appropriately to implement the WHO/UNICEF Code on artificial infant feeding in Canada; and
discourage the harassment of nursing mothers in public; and
encourage all hospitals and all maternity homes receiving financial and/or other support from The United Church of Canada to make use of a lactation consultant.
GC34 1992 ROP, p. 112