Having heard Petition 88, having considered the table group responses and having given careful consideration to the following concerns:
noted that $100,000 is a token but it does signify willingness;
today’s reality is that such costs cannot be avoided; and,
consideration needs to be given to compensate complainants of abuse by other approved leaders within The United Church of Canada, e.g., Sunday School Teachers, Staff, Organists, while on the church property of performing church related duties; and,
support from the fund should be available where a valid complaint exists; and,
the establishment of this fund is urgent and a top priority;
“BE IT RESOLVED THAT the 35th General Council authorize $100,000 for a fund for “Counselling Support for Complainants of Abuse” and refer Petition 88 to the Division of Ministry Personnel and Education, which will in turn report to the Executive of General Council for implementation.”
Hawthorn/Davis (in amendment)
“THAT at end of Section 3, end of sentence add the commend “that the financial support be implemented prior to the implementation of the action in section 2”.”
Oussoren/C. Brown
“THAT item 2 and 3 – Petition 90 be referred to the Executive of General Council with power to act and issue.”
The Motion to Refer (Petition 90 – section 2, 3)