GC36 Gambling Advertisements (1997G112)

Rationale and Faith Base: Paul's advice (Rom. 14:13 TEV): "You should decide never to do anything that would make your brother stumble or fall into sin."

WHEREAS laws restrict tobacco advertisements in many ways, notably forbidding access to TV, radio and other media or locations where they might influence youth; and

WHEREAS laws restrict hard liquor advertisements in many and similar ways; and

WHEREAS gambling is an addiction comparably destructive to a percentage of adults and, in potential at least, equally threatening to youth,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 36th General Council

  1. appeal to the Federal Government to restrict gambling advertisements to an extent comparable to restrictions on hard liquor and tobacco; and
  2. request congregations and individuals of the United Church to make similar appeals to their Members of Parliament.


1997 ROP, pp. 715-716

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Originating Body

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