GC37 United Church Housing Policy (2000U513)

In response to petitions 114, 115, 117, 118 and 119, all of which relate to Housing,

Be it resolved that the 37th General Council express its alarm and concern about the housing crisis throughout the country, acknowledge the caring response of many congregations, outreach ministries and individuals to those without adequate housing, and call on the Government of Canada:

  1. To remember and honour its commitment to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and
  2. To develop a national affordable housing policy and to initiate negotiations with provincial and municipal governments to develop long term plans, strategies and adequate financial commitment, and
  3. To reject emergency shelters as the answer to the housing and homelessness crisis in our country, and
  4. To address issues of racism, and physical, mental and developmental disabilities, which further limit accessibility to housing, and
  5. To spend on housing, at least 1% more of its existing total budget than it does now, and
  6. To consider other initiatives, such as reduced GST on housing, tax incentives, cost-sharing of ongoing subsidies administered through provincial programs; to encourage and support the creation of an adequate stock of community owned, affordable housing for low-income families and individuals, both rental and assisted ownership, including co-operatively owned projects.

Be it further resolved that the 37th General Council:

  1. Call upon United Church members, congregations, and social justice, community and indigenous ministries to actively participate in the development and support of such initiatives as non-profit, affordable and co-operative housing, tenant rights groups, and housing registries, and
  2. Call upon United Church members and congregations to continue to commit themselves financially, or by other means, to support of United Church social justice, community and indigenous ministries in their work with the victims of Canada's housing and homelessness crisis, and
  3. Call upon United Church members, congregations and outreach ministries to address issues of racism which further limit accessibility to housing.

Approved at the 37th General Council


2000 ROP, pp. 144-145

True Document Date
Document Type
Originating Body

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