GC38 Peace-building and Justice Making (2003P217)

Rationale And Faith Base:

As followers of Jesus we are called to live in peace (2 Corinthians 13:11). We believe that the Hebrews Scriptures tell us to be peacemakers (Isaiah 2:4; Micah 4:3).

WHEREAS The United Church of Canada has long history of involvement in social justice,

WHEREAS The Ottawa Presbytery passed motions in December 2002 and:

  1. has written letters to the Prime Minister, the Minister of National Defence and the Minister of Foreign Affairs urging Canada to be a nation committed to Peace-building and Justice-making and asking that they clarify Canada’s position on a war in Iraq,
  2. has written to the Moderator and the Acting General Secretary of General Council to commend the letter sent to the Prime Minister urging the use of every means possible to achieve peace, and
  3. had encouraged Pastoral Charges, Congregations and individual members to contact their Members of Parliament asking them to support actions leading to Peace.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that The Ottawa Presbytery, through Montreal and Ottawa Conference; petition the 38th General Council to:

  1. adopt peace-building and justice-making as necessary and indivisible imperatives which guide our thinking and actions as the Church,
  2. continue its support of KAIROS, Project Ploughshares and other ecumenical and interfaith initiatives that lead to understanding and peace.


GC38 2003 ROP, pp. 72, 320-321

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Originating Body

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