GC38 Water! Water! Water! (2003-08-10-GC38-095)

That the 38th General Council receive the following resolutions and petitions and take the actions contained therein:  Petitions 64, 65, 68, 76, and 90.

GC38 2003 ROP, p. 86 

Petition 76

Title: Water! Water! Water!

Submitted by: Hamilton Conference

Session Action:

Presbytery Action: Concurrence - Jan. 22/03

Conference Action: Concurrence

Original Source: South West Norfolk Pastoral Charge Official Board

Financial Implications:        

Those involved in research, writing and producing an Educational Document "Water! Water!  Water!" for use throughout The United Church of Canada by its members and others.

Source of Funding:

Staffing Implications: A Project for The Justice, Global & Ecumenical Relations Working Unit

WHEREAS The United Church of Canada has held at its central core of beliefs, a belief in a Creating God "In the beginning, when God created the Universe, the earth was formless and desolate. The raging ocean that covered everything…" Genesis 1:1-2a; and

WHEREAS The United Church of Canada has placed this concept of a Creating God in our Creed "We believe in God: who created and is creating…"; and

WHEREAS The United Church of Canada has stressed to its members and others a belief that we are called to be Stewards of all Creation and this belief has been put in our Creed "We are called to be The Church: to celebrate God's presence, to live with respect in Creation, to love and serve others, to seek justice and resist evil…" and

WHEREAS two recent books: "Water" by Marq de Villiers and "Blue Gold" by Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke have outlined the crisis in Renewal and Safe Drinking Water Resources throughout the world; and 

WHEREAS the most recent report of The International Joint Commission on the Great Lakes Basin, one of the world's most precious supplies of renewal water resources, has indicated that it will be at least another generation before we see progress in cleaning up this Basin.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Official Board of South West Norfolk Pastoral Charge petition the 38th General Council of The United Church of Canada, through Erie Presbytery and Hamilton Conference:

  1. To delegate to the Justice, Global & Ecumenical Relations Working Unit the task of producing an educational document on how United Church members and others can become better stewards of water resources we use for our own personal use, and on strategies to address the crises of water resources in this country and around the world.
  2. To delegate to the Moderator of the General Council of The United Church of Canada the task of writing to the Prime Minister of Canada and the Premiers of all the Provinces, a letter asking them to place the highest priority on protecting the water resources in their jurisdiction and to communicate what they are doing to the Moderator.
  3. To delegate to the Moderator of the General Council of The United Church of Canada, the task of writing to the Prime Minister, a letter expressing our concern over the slowness of all parties on the cleanup and protection of safe drinking water resources in the Great Lakes Basin and that he direct the Canadian members on the International Joint Commission to take more progressive steps on this issue.
  4. To support through our Mission Partners around the world, projects wherever possible in communities to supply safe drinking water for all community members.


GC38 2003 ROP, p. 492

True Document Date
Document Type
Originating Body

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