That the 40th General Council 2009:
Recognises that global warming is unequivocal, threatens the world as we know it, is largely and increasingly caused by human agency, requires a paradigm change, and must be tackled on a priority basis, with special attention to the poor and most vulnerable everywhere;
Acknowledges the particular responsibility of Christians to take up the Noah-like challenge in our time of adapting to and mitigating global warming, drawing on First Nations’ teachings on right relations with the natural environment, working with other denominations, faiths, and persons and institutions of like mind in this regard whether governmental or nongovernmental—a grand coalition to support this Earth and all its citizens, utilising a mix of mandatory economic and other measures;
Asserts the firm intention of The United Church of Canada to contribute fully to society’s understanding of the issues, and readiness to respond to the threat and the opportunity; and to this end, to stimulate and foster a program of actions throughout the United Church inter alia modeled as appropriate on the attached Appendix One [p. 474];
Accordingly, invites the Moderator, the General Secretary, General Council, the Executive of the General Council, and the Courts, bodies and congregants of the United Church to renewed and urgent reflection on the steps incumbent upon them in their places, including but not limited to development of worship and study tools and education workshops and outreach, or networking, advocacy, decisions and action in their neighbourhoods and with their cohorts and their interlocutors, taking costs and benefits into account as appropriate in their areas;
Requests Executive of the General Council to provide a United Church progress report to the 41st General Council 2012, and the whole United Church, with further recommendations as needed.
GC40 2009 ROP, pp. 191-192