We believe that the Holy Spirit calls us to use our God‐given gifts. Our gifts differ, but all are needed. The practices of Christian spiritual formation call on us to practice individual and group discernment in selecting and affirming leaders for the church.
The General Council needs to appoint members to serve on the General Council Executive to fill two vacancies that have arisen since General Council 44 (2022).
The General Council Executive is the decision-making body for the United Church between meetings of the General Council, living into covenantal relationship and mutually accountable with the General Council, regional councils, and communities of faith.
The Nominations Committee recommends
That the General Council appoint the following members to the General Council Executive until the 46th General Council, 2028:
Those recommended for appointment have verified their commitment to the United Church’s commitments to equity, diversity and anti-oppression. Additionally, they personally bring identities related to the equity-commitment identities.
In its discernment, the Nominations Committee considers diversity with regards to geography, gender identity and ministry stream, as well as the myriad ways that our lives, cultures and lived experiences make each of us unique. In addition, the committee upholds the church’s commitments to the full participation of people with disabilities; youth and young adults; those who identify as Two Spirit or LGBTQIA+, Indigenous, racialized, or Francophone; people active in French ministries; those who speak a primary language other than English or French; and people from marginalized communities not named here. No group of 18 people can ever completely reflect the full diversity of the United Church. It is the responsibility of the Executive to recognize who is not at the table and actively seek them out in understanding issues and the impact of decisions.
(including the recommended members)
The Nominations Committee met on October 4 to discern a recommendation for appointment to the General Council Executive. Using spiritual discernment and in consideration of the current needs of the Executive, the Nominations Committee reached consensus in the recommendation of Alcris Limongi for appointment to the Executive.
An earlier recommendation of the Nominations Committee for the appointment of David Leyton-Brown was approved by the Sub-Executive of the General Council in April 2023, pending confirmation by the General Council at the next regular meeting. (NOM 04 Recommendations for Appointment. 2023-04-28-030. The Manual 2023 D.5.2.3). David has served faithfully on the Executive since his appointment.
The Nominations Committee offers gratitude to all who were willing to take on these important leadership roles. We are blessed by an abundance of excellent, dedicated leadership in this church. We pray God’s blessings and guidance for all members of the Executive.
A Venezuelan/Canadian Ordained minister, committed to the United Church's unique ethos and expanding vision, Alcris says “I have grown theologically and as a disciple within and with the church, learning and unlearning together, challenging my own boundaries and exploring new ways of being and doing in God's world.” Alcris is a minister and an educator currently serving as program staff at the Centre for Christian Studies. Alcris responded to the call for nominations in the fall of 2023 when the Executive was seeking to broaden its diversity, including through the appointment of a racialized woman with governance expertise.
David Leyton-Brown is a retired university professor and former President of Shining Waters Regional Council. He brings extensive Board experience, governance expertise, and strategic thinking to the role. David answered the call for nominations in spring 2023 when the Executive was seeking people with expertise in governance, growth or climate justice, with a priority on lay people. David brings knowledge in all of these areas. He was appointed to serve on the Executive in April of this year, pending confirmation at the next regular meeting of the General Council. David had been serving faithfully and proven a valuable addition to the Executive.
(Appointed at the 43rd General Council 2018 and the 44th General Council 2022.)