WHEREAS viable alternatives exist to xenotransplantation - both in the immediate and long-term - that could more effectively address the shortage of organs and tissues for transplant with significantly fewer risks and costs;
That the Executive of the General Council, through the appropriate units and courts of the United Church,
WHEREAS animal-to-human organ and tissue transplantation poses significant risks both to transplant patients and to society at large - including the possibility of new diseases crossing the species barrier and causing future epidemics; and,
WHEREAS the quality of life for animal-to-human organ transplant recipients is likely to be much lower than those receiving transplants from human donors; and
WHEREAS the cost of xenotransplant research is very high, uses valuable scientific resources, and could in itself introduce unacceptable risks related to cross-species disease transmission; and
WHEREAS viable alternatives exist - both in the immediate and long-term - that could more effectively address the shortage of organs and tissues for transplant with significantly fewer risks and costs;
That the Executive of the General Council:
WHEREAS animal-to-human organ and tissue transplantation poses significant risks both to transplant patients and to society at large - including the possibility of new diseases crossing the species barrier and causing future epidemics; and
WHEREAS the cost of xenotransplants will be very costly, putting additional strains on our public health care system;
That the Executive of the General Council of The United Church of Canada supports a complete and immediate prohibition on animal-to-human organ and tissue transplantation, including any proposals to begin human clinical trials. It is to be noted that such procedures as heart valves and temporary skin grafts do not have their own blood supply and do not raise issues of rejection by the recipient, and therefore, are in a different category in terms of risk, and are not subject to this prohibition.
The Executive of the General Council Meeting, April 26-29, 2002, pp. 139-140