WHEREAS the threat of nuclear war is global and the prevention of nuclear war calls for global collaboration by people of all faiths and commitments; and
WHEREAS the Christian gospel is denied in the false apocalypticism of some religious figures and by the despair and passivity of others; and
WHEREAS the world is witnessing a renewal of movements that use religion to buttress militarism and war-making:
The 30th General Council request all levels of the church to:
ENTER into dialogue and inter-faith discussion on peace-making in a nuclear age through such groups as the World Conference on Religion and Peace;
INITIATE dialogue with church bodies such as the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada and with churches of the Canadian Council of Churches that do not participate in Project Ploughshares, towards a process of biblical and theological reflection on the gospel, peace, militarism and apocalypticism;
The 30th General Council requests the Committee on the Church and International Affairs to facilitate dialogue through the provision of a variety of resources.
GC30 1984 ROP, pp. 108, 456