WHEREAS to be a Church signifies not only a willingness but a responsibility to be in solidarity with those suffering the effects of war, particularly the poor; and
WHEREAS the world recently witnessed the killing of six Jesuit priests and two women of their household in El Salvador who worked for peace and with the poor; and
WHEREAS members of the non-governmental Human Rights Commission (CDHES) and other humanitarian and church organizations continue to disappear, be tortured and harassed and/or expelled as in the case of two Canadians; the Reverend Brian Rudd and Karen Ridd; and
WHEREAS Canada is now a full member of the OAS and supports the Esquipulas Peace Accords:
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 33rd General Council of The United Church of Canada:
until fundamental human rights conditions in El Salvador are met, urge the Government of Canada to channel all aid through Canadian NGOs (non-governmental organizations) in El Salvador, and to discontinue all aid to the government of El Salvador;
ask the Prime Minister to urge the United States to encourage the pursuit of a non-military negotiated resolution of the conflict with all the parties in El Salvador.
GC33 1990 ROP, p. 623Executive Minutes, November 1990, p. 62