This Library contains documents from all recent United Church governance meetings, including General Council and its Executive. It will also soon include “Our Beliefs Explained” official policy documents dating back several decades. If you can't find something you think should be included, contact
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The 33rd General Council, through the appropriate division or body, encourages dialogue with other denominations in Canada, the United States and other world communities about the mutual concerns of primary food producers.
WHEREAS as Christians we affirm the sanctity of human life, born or unborn and that life is much more than physical existence; and
WHEREAS The United Church of Canada does not have a clearly defined policy on how persons with pastoral responsibilities within The United Church of Canada should respond to disclosures of child abuse; and WHEREAS many legal jurisdictions in Canada have enacted legislation which requires persons with knowledge of sexual and/or physical abuse of children to report their knowledge to appropriate authorities; and
This 33rd General Council urges that all conferences become aware of current studies of child abuse, such as the Rix Rogers, and that they give consideration to the recommendations directed to the churches in this report and that all conferences be asked to assess the adequacy of abuse counselling in their own boundaries; And that this 33rd General Council speak urgently of the needs to their political representatives urging them to give them priority as needed.
Whereas our God creator call is the responsibility and privilege of stewardship of the land, and Whereas it is the right of those most directly affected to have free participation in decisions that affect their lives and Whereas there has been a steady and intentional erosion of numbers of small family farms THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 33rd General Council of The United Church of Canada adopt the following statement:
Having heard Petition 37, it is MOVED that the 33rd General Council: Designate and establish one Sunday per year as an AIDS Awareness Sunday; and Direct DMC to give publicity to the British Columbia Kit of Worship Resources for AIDS Awareness.
The 33rd General Council: 1 urges United Churches across Canada to initiate volunteer literacy programs and/or support literacy programs already established;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this 33rd General Council direct the Division of Mission in Canada to find the means to address bioethical issues to consider immediately the following: 1. All gene transfers in humans that have even a chance of getting into reproductive cells for passage to future generations, should be prohibited
Therefore be it resolved that British Columbia Conference petition the 33rd General Council of the United Church of Canada to urge the government of Canada to immediately cease ad cancel all further low level military flights over British Columbia.
The United Church of Canada believes that there must be a just, sustainable and participatory economy for all people Keywords: Fishing, Conservation, Newfoundland, Aboriginal Fishing Rights, East Coast Fishery, Fishery, Cod Moratorium, Moratorium, Fish quotas, Seals, Sealing, Fishery Policy, Foreign Fishery, Offshore Fishery, Oceans, Seas