This Library contains documents from all recent United Church governance meetings, including General Council and its Executive. It will also soon include “Our Beliefs Explained” official policy documents dating back several decades. If you can't find something you think should be included, contact
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There are three ways of looking at the big picture for a quarter: dashboard, graph and narrative. Averages for each strategic objective area and the overall average is calculated from all activated ac...
Prepared by Reconciliation and Indigenous Justice Animators Sara Stratton and Lori RansomSara StrattonI was on leave for 5 months in 2024. My work in the period of this report (September 2023-Septembe...
The Apartheid regime in Israel violates the fundamental theological principles that underly the vision and purpose statements of the United Church of Canada and are in direct support of ongoing anti-Muslim and anti-Arabic racism that exists in Israel and in Canada.
This report serves as an accountability measure and offers an overview of the church’s overall work on anti-racism and equity from the perspective of the General Council Office.
An executive summary of the latest from the Strategic Plan.
In May 2021, the world witnessed the impact of direct armed violence and indirect systemic violence on the people of Palestine and Israel. This proposal is in response to the explicit call for justice by Christians in Palestine, including United Church partners there.