This Library contains documents from all recent United Church governance meetings, including General Council and its Executive. It will also soon include “Our Beliefs Explained” official policy documents dating back several decades. If you can't find something you think should be included, contact
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That the Executive of the General Council encourage all Conferences, Districts, and Presbyteries, to incorporate at least one half hour in their 2016 meetings to read aloud the 1986 Apology to First Nations People and the 1988 response from the All Native Circle Conference as a way to recognize the 30th anniversary of the Apology. Apology to First Nations People, 30th anniversary of the Apology, Apology
That the Executive of the General Council, in response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada Call to Action 48 (text below): 1. formally adopt the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and comply with its principles, norms, and standards as a framework for reconciliation;
On June 2, 2015, the United Church of Canada, along with the other church parties to the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement, welcomed the Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation C...
Encourage The United Church of Canada Foundation and direct the Executive of the General Council to take active steps to sell their holdings in the 200 largest fossil fuel companies; Keywords: fossil fuel, fossil fuel divestment
That the 42nd General Council direct the General Secretary, General Council to ask publicly for commitment from the Federal Government that all Canadian communities, including First Nations communities, have access to running potable water by 2018; and encourage The United Church of Canada congregations and members to do likewise.
That the 42nd General Council commit the church to encourage the federal and provincial governments to implement an economy-wide price on greenhouse gas emissions where currently such a price does not exist.
That the 42nd General Council (2015) direct the General Secretary, General Council to: a. Call upon the Government of Canada to: i. Conduct a full Public Inquiry into the more than 1200 cases of missing or murdered Indigenous women and girls in Canada; ii. Support and continue to support the struggle against the devaluation of women by conducting this inquiry;
That the 42nd General Council 2015: 1. Support a long-term global emission reduction goal consistent with the Paris agreement; 2. Recognize that a major portion of the Canadian economy produces products that generate carbon emissions such as electricity, transportation, manufacturing, mining, and production of oil and gas; carbon emission, global emission, economy of Canada, renewable energy, energy efficiency, Reducing Carbon Emissions
That the 42nd General Council (2015): a) have the General Secretary, General Council: i) write to the Federal Government expressing The United Church of Canada’s concerns about The Trans Canada Pipeline Energy East project; and, ii) that we encourage each of our pastoral charges to consider launching a letter-writing campaign expressing their concerns about the Trans Canada Pipeline Energy East project to both their Provincial and the Federal Governments.
That the 42nd General Council 2015, responding to the ethical imperative of our faith as expressed in the social policies of The United Church of Canada, and commitments to partnership and right relations including support for free, prior and informed consent, instructs the General Secretary to communicate to The United Church of Canada Pension Board (UCCPB) that the will of the church is to divest of its shares in Goldcorp and make public that divestment.