This Library contains documents from all recent United Church governance meetings, including General Council and its Executive. It will also soon include “Our Beliefs Explained” official policy documents dating back several decades. If you can't find something you think should be included, contact
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Therefore be it resolved that the 36th General Council go on record as supporting the amendment of the Income Tax Act to redefine the word "spouse" by deleting the phrase "of the opposite sex" in section 252 (4) and thereby treating same-sex spouses the same as opposite sex spouses, and urge the Government of Canada to make such an amendment immediately. economic justice, taxation
Having heard Petitions 128 & 130, and noted and given careful consideration to the following concerns: a) economic consequences of a phase down of the nuclear industry b) the loss of technology development and necessary materials in the area of nuclear medicine; c) support for the idea of a public review; and
Having given careful consideration to the comment expressed that a ban on the production of land mines would remove a significant defensive weapon from members of the Canadian Armed Forces in any future war;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Division of Mission in Canada, in cooperation with Conferences, initiate contact and seek meetings with Ministers of Education in all the provinces and territories. The intent of these meetings would be to request the development of Native Studies courses to be included as required study for all students.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 36th General Council: a) urge the Government of Canada to support "the initiation and conclusion by the year 2000 of an international convention that will set out a binding timetable for the abolition of all nuclear weapons" (from the Abolition 2000 petition); b) urge the Government of Canada to cease all activities determined to be of questionable legality by the July 8, 1996 ruling of the International Court of Justice, including, but not limited to:
Jesus said, “When you are offering your gift at the altar, if you remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go: first be reconciled to your brother or sister, and then come and offer your gift." (Matt. 5:23-24) We now realize that the offering of the churches and of countless faithful and caring servants of the churches, through their participation in the residential school system has tragically resulted in pain and suffering and injustice for many. Aboriginal, First Nations, Native Indian, Residential Schools, Apology, Reconciliation
Today is a time of spiritual dislocation for many Christians. A secular and consumerist spirit pervades public life. The shopping mall can be as much a Sunday morning destination as is church. Many people identify themselves as “spiritual” but not “religious”. They choose not to identify themselves with any of the traditional churches of Canada. Greater knowledge of the richness of the world’s religions, together with the arrival of immigrants and refugees from all corners of the earth, has brought Canada greater cultural and religious diversity than earlier generations might ever have imagined. This is true not only in Toronto and Vancouver, but in Lac la Biche, Alberta and Shediac, New Brunswick. The proximity of people of other faiths has served to break down stereotypes about other faith communities. We may even feel challenged by the spiritual and moral integrity of some of our newer neighbours. These developments have raised the question of how to relate the historic teachings of the church about Jesus Christ to the present pluralistic moment. As Christian people we want to witness faithfully to the salvation, wholeness and challenge we have experienced through the gospel of Jesus Christ. At the same time, and precisely because we know Jesus as God’s Word made flesh, we want to treat all our neighbours ethically. We want to acknowledge the value we see in them and in their own expressions of faith.
MANDATE OF THE COMMITTEE The task group was asked to prepare a position statement for the United Church on current issues that surround life-threatening illness, disability, and death, with a view to assisting church members and congregations faced with making difficult choices.
WHEREAS The United Church of Canada, in the apology offered by the 31st General Council to the Native Peoples of Canada, committed itself to walk together with them "so that our people may be blessed, and God's creation healed"; and,
The United Church of Canada, in the apology offered by the 31st General Council to the Native people of Canada, committed itself to walk together with them "so that our people may be blessed and God's Creation healed" Keywords: Residential Schools, Native, Aboriginal, First Nations, Native Indian