This Library contains documents from all recent United Church governance meetings, including General Council and its Executive. It will also soon include “Our Beliefs Explained” official policy documents dating back several decades. If you can't find something you think should be included, contact
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That the 41st General Council 2012 direct the General Secretary, General Council to call on the Government of Canada and the leaders of Canadian political parties and also initiate an individual communication campaign across The United Church of Canada in support of this call, to:
That the 40th General Council 2009 approve taking the actions requested in the following proposals, and direct the Executive of the General Council either: to take such actions; or where action is required by another body or officer, to oversee the implementation of such action.
That the 40th General Council 2009, through the General Secretary, General Council, request the Government of Canada and the provincial and territorial governments to encourage, to support, and to provide financial incentives and subsidies to alternative and environmentally friendly sources of energy, and subsidies to the uranium/nuclear industry be limited to only medical and peaceful initiatives; and call on members and adherents of The United Church of Canada congregations to write their members of parliament to express the same desire.
That the 40th General Council 2009 direct the General Secretary, General Council, to: 1. encourage congregations to significantly reduce their environmental footprint
That the General Council, through the General Secretary, General Council, ask the Government of Canada, in particular the Ministry of Agriculture and Agrifoods, to carefully re-examine the proposals in Bill C-33 by conducting a comprehensive study of bio-fuel production which includes public consultations about the environmental and social impacts of bio-fuel production before establishing definite strategies with regard to mandating ethanol percentages in automotive fuels.
That the 40th General Council 2009 direct the General Secretary, General Council, to urge federal, provincial and territorial governments to invest in wind and other forms of renewable energy immediately, in an amount comparable to other western nations.
Support the substitution of nuclear power with alternative more benign, forms of renewable non fossil fuel based energy and urge Federal, Provincial and Territorial governments in Canada, to stop funding for new nuclear plants and dedicate the funds to alternative forms of renewable energy that do not contribute new greenhouse gas emissions, and impact to ecosystems and community health
That the 40th General Council 2009: 1. Recognises that global warming is unequivocal, threatens the world as we know it, is largely and increasingly caused by human agency, requires a paradigm change, and must be tackled on a priority basis, with special attention to the poor and most vulnerable everywhere;
That the 40th General Council 2009 direct the General Secretary, General Council to develop a study resource to encourage and enable congregations to: become aware of the local planning process.