This Library contains documents from all recent United Church governance meetings, including General Council and its Executive. It will also soon include “Our Beliefs Explained” official policy documents dating back several decades. If you can't find something you think should be included, contact
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Jesus said, “When you are offering your gift at the altar, if you remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go: first be reconciled to your brother or sister, and then come and offer your gift." (Matt. 5:23-24) We now realize that the offering of the churches and of countless faithful and caring servants of the churches, through their participation in the residential school system has tragically resulted in pain and suffering and injustice for many. Aboriginal, First Nations, Native Indian, Residential Schools, Apology, Reconciliation
WHEREAS The United Church of Canada, in the apology offered by the 31st General Council to the Native Peoples of Canada, committed itself to walk together with them "so that our people may be blessed, and God's creation healed"; and,
The United Church of Canada, in the apology offered by the 31st General Council to the Native people of Canada, committed itself to walk together with them "so that our people may be blessed and God's Creation healed" Keywords: Residential Schools, Native, Aboriginal, First Nations, Native Indian
That the General Council urge formally constituted groups of the United Church of Canada to avoid applying for or using funds generated from lotteries, casinos, or other activities in the gaming industry.
The 34th General Council commends the Division of Mission in Canada for its action to date [on conscientious objectors and redirection of taxes for non-military purposes] and encourages its continued action in this regard and requests that it work in conjunction with Project Ploughshares and the Canadian Council of Churches in its overtures to government.
Whereas there is a shortage of affordable and suitable housing; and Whereas children are adversely affected by housing that is not suitable; and Whereas a disproportionate number of Canadian living in inadequate and unsuitable housing are women and children (89%); and Whereas waiting lists for suitable housing are already excessively long and the waiting time up to two years; and
That the 34th General Council 1. Call upon the Government of Canada to use its influence in and with the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank, to support alternatives and proposals from developing countries which could so alter structural adjustment programs that priority would be given to responding to human needs rather than debt repayment; 2. Encourage congregations and individual United Church members to make similar representations to their elected political representatives.
That the 34th General Council of the United Church of Canada continue to pressure the federal government to respond to the legacy of the residential schools. Residential Schools, Aboriginal, First Nations, Native Indian
That the 34th General Council write to the Secretary of State for External Affairs, expressing its concern that Overseas Development Aid to the Third World has been reduced at this time of even greater need.
The report, which was circulated at the September meeting was reviewed. It was reported that the leadership of Oliver Howard of BC Conference on this issue was most appreciated. There was some discussion about the general nature of the report and whether more specifics would be helpful. Aboriginal, First Nations, Native Indian, Residential Schools