This Library contains documents from all recent United Church governance meetings, including General Council and its Executive. It will also soon include “Our Beliefs Explained” official policy documents dating back several decades. If you can't find something you think should be included, contact
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That the Executive of General council instruct the church’s counsel that our involvement in the current Alberni Indian Residential School litigation be primarily focussed on: a) settlement negotiations, formal and informal b) determining the measure of damages of the plaintiffs c) negotiating the church’s fair share of liability with the crown Residential Schools, Aboriginal, First Nations, Native Indian
That the Executive of General Council request the Moderator and the General Secretary to renew their attempt to meet with the Prime Minister of Canada to help pursue a means of dealing with the legacies of Residential Schools which does not involve court driven decisions and other related matters. Residential Schools, Aboriginal, First Nations, Native Indian
Whereas climate change has been identified as a priority environmental issue by the 33rd and 34th General Councils of The United Church of Canada and by the World Council of Churches (January 1994 Central Committee); and
Having heard Petitions 128 & 130, and noted and given careful consideration to the following concerns: a) economic consequences of a phase down of the nuclear industry b) the loss of technology development and necessary materials in the area of nuclear medicine; c) support for the idea of a public review; and
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Division of Mission in Canada, in cooperation with Conferences, initiate contact and seek meetings with Ministers of Education in all the provinces and territories. The intent of these meetings would be to request the development of Native Studies courses to be included as required study for all students.
Jesus said, “When you are offering your gift at the altar, if you remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go: first be reconciled to your brother or sister, and then come and offer your gift." (Matt. 5:23-24) We now realize that the offering of the churches and of countless faithful and caring servants of the churches, through their participation in the residential school system has tragically resulted in pain and suffering and injustice for many. Aboriginal, First Nations, Native Indian, Residential Schools, Apology, Reconciliation
WHEREAS The United Church of Canada, in the apology offered by the 31st General Council to the Native Peoples of Canada, committed itself to walk together with them "so that our people may be blessed, and God's creation healed"; and,
The United Church of Canada, in the apology offered by the 31st General Council to the Native people of Canada, committed itself to walk together with them "so that our people may be blessed and God's Creation healed" Keywords: Residential Schools, Native, Aboriginal, First Nations, Native Indian
Having considered that not all persons, including dairy farmers, are opposed to the use of the bovine growth hormone known as Bovine Somatotropin (BST); and, WHEREAS the motion proposes action that is in keeping with the ongoing work of The United Church of Canada; and WHEREAS the voice of the Church will serve to balance the presentation made to the government by agribusiness interests; BE IT RESOLVED THAT the 35th General Council of The United Church of Canada:
Life is a gift from God and elicits our respect, awe and reverence. We are one Earth community, one human family and we share one destiny. We cherish and respect the rich diversity of life and celebrate the beauty of the Earth. For us, as members of one family, love and caring are the basis of our relationships with one another and with nature. The Earth community is a sacred trust. We recognize God's call to live in harmony with this total community, to draw on the Earth's sustenance responsibly, and to care for it that all may benefit equitably now and in the future.