This Library contains documents from all recent United Church governance meetings, including General Council and its Executive. It will also soon include “Our Beliefs Explained” official policy documents dating back several decades. If you can't find something you think should be included, contact
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WHEREAS it has been thoroughly documented by the Inter-Church Committee for Human Rights in Latin America and the Christian Reformed Church, among others, that there is no protection for refugees in the neighbouring Latin American countries to which they flee; and WHEREAS people living as refugees are often at risk in regard to their personal safety, and may have barely adequate and extremely crowded shelter, with one meal a day and water to drink; and
WHEREAS we have been informed of investigations by church groups from the United States of America which indicate that people who had been returned to El Salvador were killed and that for people to be returned to El Salvador means almost certain death, so that it is therefore important that an alternative place of safety be provided; and Refugees, Asylum, El Salvador, Foreign Policy
Therefore, we respectfully recommend the following motion: WHEREAS children, youth, women and men are all called to be members of the Body of Christ and the household and family of God. WHEREAS changes of language offers creative and expanding possibilities for Christians in their perceptions of God and of one another.
WHEREAS South Africa continues to exercise stringent apartheid measures and supports racist policies in Rhodesia, Namibia and the Portuguese African Territories: BE IT RESOLVED that this General Council through the appropriate Departments of Divisions:
WHEREAS the apartheid policy of South Africa deprives a large majority of its people of economic, political and social freedoms solely on the basis of skin colour; and WHEREAS the white racist government of Rhodesia is moving rapidly toward a South African type of apartheid; and WHEREAS Portugal received NATO aid, enabling her forcibly to subjugate indigenous Africans; and WHEREAS the ambivalence of Canadian foreign policy at present allows a small fraction of trade to weigh more heavily than our attention to Christian principles of human justice, thereby lowering our credibility with those independent African nations whom we support verbally in the UN;
WHEREAS The United Church of Canada, through its Commission on Christian Marriage and Divorce, has encouraged frank discussion of such subjects as sex, marriage and relationships between men and women, on a high level of respect for the dignity of these relationships as given of God to mankind, and particularly in order that youth may be properly instructed in such matters; and
March 2012 Motion passed by the Executive of the General Council: Policies Related to Gender Identity The Executive of the General Council affirmed that: a. The United Church of Canada acknowledges the difference (distinction) between gender identity referring to a person’s innate, deeply felt sense of being male, female, both or neither; and sexual orientation – having to do with the gender to which one is emotionally and physically attracted, and b. “Gender identity” is not a barrier to membership and ministry of The United Church of Canada.