This Library contains documents from all recent United Church governance meetings, including General Council and its Executive. It will also soon include “Our Beliefs Explained” official policy documents dating back several decades. If you can't find something you think should be included, contact
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THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The Division of Mission in Canada and the Division of Ministry, Personnel and Education, take immediate steps to co-ordinate, in consultation with the conferences, special training courses for all lay and ordained ministers who are now serving or who may be appointed to serve in Indian ministries.
WHEREAS we endorse the right of the native people to help shape the kind of regional development which is taking place in the land to which they lay claim;
The native peoples occupying the Anicinabe Park, at Kenora, Ontario, have of their own volition given up their arms and turned from the path of violence to a path of open negotiation Keywords: Anicinabe Park, Aboriginal, First Nations, Native Indian
The Churchill-Nelson River Diversion Projects, a massive hydro development undertaken by Manitoba Hydro, involve a major flooding of large areas of northern Manitoba, including reserve lands now inhabited by several thousand native people. To represent the concerns of the native people a Northern Flood Committee, made up of representatives of eight affected communities (treaty and non-treaty) has been formed. The Committee has retained outstanding legal counsel and has chosen Henry Spence as their capable chairman.
BE IT RESOLVED that this Twenty-fourth General Council of the United Church of Canada commend to our people the observance of June 21st as a “National Indian Day of Prayer,” and request the Board of Home Missions to make this action known to the people of the church.
WHEREAS The United Church of Canada, through its Commission on Christian Marriage and Divorce, has encouraged frank discussion of such subjects as sex, marriage and relationships between men and women, on a high level of respect for the dignity of these relationships as given of God to mankind, and particularly in order that youth may be properly instructed in such matters; and
March 2012 Motion passed by the Executive of the General Council: Policies Related to Gender Identity The Executive of the General Council affirmed that: a. The United Church of Canada acknowledges the difference (distinction) between gender identity referring to a person’s innate, deeply felt sense of being male, female, both or neither; and sexual orientation – having to do with the gender to which one is emotionally and physically attracted, and b. “Gender identity” is not a barrier to membership and ministry of The United Church of Canada.