This Library contains documents from all recent United Church governance meetings, including General Council and its Executive. It will also soon include “Our Beliefs Explained” official policy documents dating back several decades. If you can't find something you think should be included, contact
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That the Government of Canada be called upon to: a) substantially expand Canada’s commendable and important assistance with the implementing and/or monitoring of the Esquipulas peace agreements, and
The 32nd General Council urge the government of Canada to prohibit the testing of cruise missiles over Canadian territory.
The 30th General Council called on the Canadian government to, “Base a policy of Canadian security upon the pursuit of mutual understanding and confidence building, rather than on the development of nuclear warfare civil defence measures.” (p. 57, 30th General Council Record of Proceedings)
WHEREAS no authentic peace is possible without justice; and WHEREAS the suffering of the Palestinian people under Israeli occupation is severe and unacceptable; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 32nd General Council: Affirm strongly the interfaith organizations in Canada that are working for reconciliation in Israel and the occupied territories; Request the Division of World Outreach to consider providing further support and assistance to organizations in Israel that are striving for cooperation and peace, including the Middle East Council of Churches in its particular ministry of reconciliation;
WHEREAS we affirm Jesus Christ as the life-giver of the world; and WHEREAS submarines may usually bear arms and arms bring death, not life; and WHEREAS the government of Canada has decided to buy a fleet of nuclear-powered submarines at an estimated cost of $8 billion dollars; and WHEREAS the Canadian Centre for Arms Control and Disarmament released a study on February 24, 1988, which concludes that building, staffing, hand operating these submarines could drive the total costs to between 12.5 billion dollars and 14.8 billion dollars
WHEREAS nuclear-powered submarines will not increase our security; and WHEREAS the use of nuclear technology for military purpose will be seen as being provocative and as contravening our previous agreements to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes only; and WHEREAS the cost of nuclear submarines is not justifiable on any grounds, especially in view of unmet human needs; for example, the predicted famine in Africa this year:
That the 32nd General Council receive the report Toward A Christian Understanding of Sexual Orientations, Lifestyles and Ministry along with the Dissenting Statements, as fulfilling the mandate given by the 30th General Council, 1984. [ROP 1988, page 96]
In 1988, the United Church’s 32nd General Council made two decisions about sexual orientation, church membership and leadership. General Council declared that:
WHEREAS the development and build-up of conventional and nuclear armaments continues unabated, threatening our hope for a future, and placing the fate of the earth in serious jeopardy; and
Be it resolves that having heard Petitions 534, 535, 536, 539, 540, 541, and 542, and in the light of Resolution 91; that 1. The 31st General Council affirm the freedom of worship within The United Church of Canada and encourage a more broadly inclusive community by the use of a variety of human and other metaphors, images and pronouns for God in church documents, worship and liturgy.