That the 41st General Council 2012, in order to continue the work of the Beaconsfield Initiative in the Cordillera… continue reading
The 33rd General Council, through the appropriate division or body, encourages dialogue with other denominations in… continue reading
That the 31st General Council endorse the work presently being done by the (church) in urging all levels of government… continue reading
The 32nd General Council urge the government of Canada to prohibit the testing of cruise missiles over Canadian… continue reading
Having received the correspondence from Maritime Conference, and the notice of motion of Pawis/Mabee from this fall… continue reading
Having heard Petition 39 [re: placing abortion in the Criminal Code], it is moved that 1 The Frankford/Batawa Pastoral… continue reading
ROP of the United Church's 42nd General Council, August 8-14, 2015, Corner Brook, Newfoundland.
ROP of the United Church's 43rd General Council, July 21-27, 2018, Oshawa, Ontario.