Taxonomy Term: Proposal

GC44 GS21 Renunciation of Claims to Former Mission Property in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Given that prior to the Korean War the United Church owned mission properties in what is now the Democratic People’s… continue reading

GC44 GS20 Affirm Existing Assessment Funding Rates and Principles for 2024

General Council 44 first affirmed the existing assessment rate in 2022 and is again being asked in 2023 to affirm the… continue reading

GC44 GS19 Consent Motion

General Secretary's recommended motions.

GC44 GS18 Opening Procedural Motions

Rules of order for the GC44 Annual General Meeting.

GC44 GCE08 Ministry Leadership to Meet the Needs of the Church in the 2020s, Part B (DLM)

We believe God/Jesus Christ/the Holy Spirit is calling the church to recognize the lifelong call to ministry and… continue reading

GC44 GCE01 Financial Support for Ministry Personnel Suspended While in a Directed Program

The policy regarding financial support for ministry personnel (The Manual J.6.7) lacks flexibility and discretion… continue reading

GC44 AUD02 Audit Committee Recommendations

Among the duties of the Audit Committee of the General Council is to review the annual financial statements and the… continue reading