WHEREAS The United Church of Canada has long critiqued unregulated capitalism which enshrines private gain over public… continue reading
In response to petitions 114, 115, 117, 118 and 119, all of which relate to Housing, Be it resolved that the 37th… continue reading
1) recognise the emergence of new social movements, which specifically challenge the neo liberal Empire; 2) direct the… continue reading
That the 34th General Council write to the Secretary of State for External Affairs, expressing its concern that… continue reading
That the 41st General Council 2012 call upon the Government of Canada to reverse their decision to make age 67 the… continue reading
We recognize that gambling takes on many forms. There are many disagreements among people as to which activities… continue reading
On the basis of letters from presbyteries and petitions from conferences to the 36th General Council, the Executive of… continue reading
The original motion was amended to first receive the report, then approve the recommendations.
WHEREAS the United Church of Canada has historically understood the Christian gospel to affirm the social nature of… continue reading
Rationale and Faith Base: Jesus, quoting the Old Testament, said (Mk. 12:30 TEV): '"Love the Lord your God with all… continue reading