Taxonomy Term: Health

GC28 Use of Tobacco Products (1980U775)

THAT the United Church of Canada discourage the use of tobacco products by promoting awareness as to the health risks… continue reading

GC30 Use of Illicit Drugs (1984U734)

WHEREAS the use of illicit drugs continues to be a serious problem of epidemic proportions among our youth; and WHEREAS… continue reading

GC31 Use and Advertising of Tobacco (1986U712)

SUPPORT all efforts to discourage smoking in work places, public buildings and all forms of public transportation, and… continue reading

GC21 Universal Health Services (1964U532)

COMMEND those provinces which have established a comprehensive health services plan and urge those provinces which do… continue reading

GC38 A Petition Requesting the United Church of Canada Develop a Position on Human Cloning (2003P262)

WHEREAS we read in Genesis (Gen 1.1) ‘In the beginning God created’ and; WHEREAS throughout scripture we hear an… continue reading

GC27 Toward Preventing Alcoholism and Alcohol Misuse (1977T566)

The question might fairly be asked as to the reason for particular attention in the church to the problems associated… continue reading

Theologies of Disabilities Report

The Theology and Inter-Church Inter-Faith Committee was asked by the Executive of General Council in November 2013 to… continue reading

GC28 The Use and Misuse of Drugs (1980U753)

Theological Approach Dependency God through incarnation in Jesus Christ has affirmed that in our humanity we should “… continue reading

GC27 Report of the Commission on Ethics and Genetics (1977R215)

Excerpts of Report Theological, Social and Ethical Perspectives At the onset it must be acknowledged that, while the… continue reading

GCE Termination of the Nestle Boycott (1984T252)

The termination of the boycott was reported, and the action of the Division in October 1984 communicated. The… continue reading