Taxonomy Term: Health

GC35 Health Reform (1994H262)

WHEREAS health reform is taking place in many provinces in Canada; and WHEREAS this process is having major impacts on… continue reading

GC36 Health Policy (1997H265)

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 36th General Council: Call upon the Government of Canada to renew its commitment and… continue reading

GC35 Health Care Policy (1994H211)

The Canadian health care system is under severe pressure (for example, reductions in federal transfer payments to… continue reading

GC19 National Health Insurance (1960N132)

IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THIS General Council: 1. RE-ENDORSE the principle of a National Health Insurance Plan; 2.… continue reading

GC16 National Health Insurance (1954N132)

BE IT RESOLVED THAT this council expresses its considered opinions regarding National Health Insurance as follows: 1… continue reading

GC33 Infant Formula and WHO Code (1990I525)

WHEREAS in spite of the International Marketing Code of the World Health Organization, and in spite of UNICEF’s… continue reading

GC41 Including Persons Living with Mental Health Issues (GC41 2012 - 032)

That the 41st General Council 2012 direct the General Secretary, General Council to 1) request the federal Department… continue reading

GC23 Medicare (M223)

BE IT RESOLVED THAT this General Council 1 COMMEND the enabling action of the federal government and the action of… continue reading

GC32 Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes (1988M116)

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 63rd Annual Meeting of the British Columbia Conference of The United Church of Canada… continue reading

GC33 Human Gene Transfer (1990H732)

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this 33rd General Council direct the Division of Mission in Canada to find the means to… continue reading