Taxonomy Term: Peace

GC29 Manifesto on Nuclear Disarmament (1982M157)

THEREFORE we call on the church to renounce its alliances with security and power; to name with courage the forces that… continue reading

GCE33 Low Level Military Flights (1990L542)

Therefore be it resolved that British Columbia Conference petition the 33rd General Council of the United Church of… continue reading

GC38 Human Security (2003H772)

Commanded as Christians to “beat our swords into ploughshares, and our spears into pruning hooks” and that “nations… continue reading

GC32 Alternate Defence Policy for Canada (1988A422)

The 30th General Council called on the Canadian government to, “Base a policy of Canadian security upon the pursuit of… continue reading

GC34 Arms Exports (1992A628)

The 34th General Council agrees to 1 request the Moderator or the General Secretary to express our opposition to the… continue reading

GC34 Arms Trade Exhibition (1992A676)

The 34th General Council strongly protests the establishment of arms trade exhibition facilities anywhere in Canada;… continue reading

GC30 Confessing Our Faith in a Nuclear Age (1984C557)

WHEREAS the 1983 Assembly of the World Council of Churches in Vancouver called upon all member churches to “intensify… continue reading

Pastoral Relationships, Thriving with Equity Research Project: Executive Summary

Our website proclaims: “United Church faith communities welcome people from all backgrounds and orientations—wherever… continue reading

GC30 False Apocalypticism and The Church (1984F116)

WHEREAS the threat of nuclear war is global and the prevention of nuclear war calls for global collaboration by people… continue reading

GC30 Civil Disobedience (1984C323)

WHEREAS the development of nuclear and other weapons of mass and indiscriminate destruction compromise Christian… continue reading