The gospel calls us to risk and adventure in the name of Jesus Christ; and the example of those who have followed him… continue reading
The United Church of Canada, in the apology offered by the 31st General Council to the Native people of Canada,… continue reading
In The United Church of Canada, we see ourselves as a church rooted in justice and equality with a vision of Deep… continue reading
produce appropriate study material (such as for Lent or Advent or through Mandate magazine) that addresses the issue of… continue reading
he concern expressed by the 31st General Council Record of Proceedings, pages 120-121, and the guidelines approved by… continue reading
the country is entering into a new phase of negotiations to secure a trade agreement with the United States and Mexico… continue reading
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the General Council of The United Church of Canada: 1 REQUEST the government of Canada to… continue reading
The 34th General Council requests the Division of Mission in Canada and the Division of World Outreach a) to gather… continue reading
That the Executive of the General Council authorize that a letter be sent from The United Church of Canada to the… continue reading
WHEREAS it has been thoroughly documented by the Inter-Church Committee for Human Rights in Latin America and the… continue reading