Taxonomy Term: Social Policy

GC19 National Health Insurance (1960N132)

IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THIS General Council: 1. RE-ENDORSE the principle of a National Health Insurance Plan; 2.… continue reading

GC16 National Health Insurance (1954N132)

BE IT RESOLVED THAT this council expresses its considered opinions regarding National Health Insurance as follows: 1… continue reading

GC36 National Childcare (1997N113)

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Thirty-sixth General Council to call upon the Government of Canada to implement a… continue reading

GC42 Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women (GC42 2015-050)

That the 42nd General Council (2015) direct the General Secretary, General Council to: a. Call upon the Government of… continue reading

GC30 Mind Control and Pseudo Religions (1984M315)

Faith Base Jesus called persons into freedom from coercion and enslavement, and through the cross and resurrection… continue reading

GC31 Military Expenditures (1986M328)

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 31st General Council of The United Church of Canada: 1. REQUEST the government of… continue reading

GC43 GCE22 Commitment To Becoming An Anti-Racist Denomination

We believe God is calling The United Church of Canada to deepen its racial justice work by making a clear and… continue reading

GC41 GCE Gathering Together Report

In July 2013, about 55 self-identified people with disabilities, and their allies, gathered for a twoday consultation… continue reading

GC41 Gathering Together: Toward a Culture of Mutuality and Full Participation for Persons with Disabilities and their Allies

The Permanent Committee, Programs for Mission and Ministry proposes: That the Executive of the General Council receive… continue reading

GC36 Gambling Advertisements (1997G112)

Rationale and Faith Base: Paul's advice (Rom. 14:13 TEV): "You should decide never to do anything that would make your… continue reading