Encourage the Division of Mission in Canada to continue its education within the church as to the nature. Transmission… continue reading
The 34th General Council strongly encourages the Division of Mission in Canada to create and/or identify the tools and… continue reading
Having heard Petition 37, it is MOVED that the 33rd General Council: Designate and establish one Sunday per year as an… continue reading
The fighting in Afghanistan has continued for more than four years; and the citizens of Afghanistan and its refugees,… continue reading
encourage all congregations of The United Church of Canada to welcome transgender people into membership, ministry, and… continue reading
In this resolution The United Church of Canada called for an immediate and total ban on all advertising of alcohol and… continue reading
The General Council of the United Church asked the government of Canada to take all necessary steps to ban the… continue reading
THAT the 31st General Council reaffirm The United Church of Canada position opposing all forms of advertising of… continue reading
Receive the report of the Adoption Task Group concerning United Church run maternity homes, and Direct the Theology and… continue reading
At its November, 2013, meeting, the General Council Executive directed the Theology and Inter-Church Inter-Faith… continue reading