WHEREAS Christ calls the church to be concerned for this world; and
WHEREAS the ways of peace and reconciliation are preferred to acts of violence and the perpetration of hatred; and
WHEREAS negotiation and mutual recognition of issues can lead to justice; and
WEHREAS the representatives of religious communities from the areas of the former Yugoslavia ask the governments and international organizations do all in their power so that war ceases and a just peace is established; and
WHEREAS we understand the following to be our working definitions:
Peacemaking as action to bring hostile parties to a cessation of overt conflict (through mediation and negotiation, referral to the World Court, international assistance embargoes or sanctions, or as a last resort, forceful separation of combatants);Peacekeeping as intervention between hostile parties with the consent of all involved to prevent overt conflict and to provide opportunity for negotiated settlement; andPeace-building as action to identify, support, and help build structures which will strengthen and solidify ongoing peaceful life without intervention and without overt conflict;
Peacemaking as action to bring hostile parties to a cessation of overt conflict (through mediation and negotiation, referral to the World Court, international assistance embargoes or sanctions, or as a last resort, forceful separation of combatants);
Peacekeeping as intervention between hostile parties with the consent of all involved to prevent overt conflict and to provide opportunity for negotiated settlement; and
Peace-building as action to identify, support, and help build structures which will strengthen and solidify ongoing peaceful life without intervention and without overt conflict;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the 35th General Council
GC35 1994 ROP, pp. 146, 468-469