WHEREAS Christ calls the church to be concerned for this world;
And whereas previous General Councils of The United Church of Canada have supported the abolition of nuclear weapons; and
Whereas The United Church of Canada, through Project Ploughshares, has participated in the Abolition 2000 Campaign Advisory Opinion; and
Whereas the July 8, 1996 ruling of the International Court of Justice provides an obligation and a new opportunity to pursue the abolition of nuclear weapons;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 36th General Council:
urge the Government of Canada to support "the initiation and conclusion by the year 2000 of an international convention that will set out a binding timetable for the abolition of all nuclear weapons" (from the Abolition 2000 petition);
urge the Government of Canada to cease all activities determined to be of questionable legality by the July 8, 1996 ruling of the International Court of Justice, including, but not limited to:
participation in NATO AND NORAD's nuclear war-fighting preparations;
providing airspace and bases for bomber training;
maintaining communications sites for nuclear forces;
permitting deployment of bomber forces to Canadian airfields during nuclear crises;
production and export of components for nuclear weapon delivery vehicles, such as bombers and submarines.
GC36 1997 ROP, p. 920