GC44 GCE08 Introduction to DLM Proposal.mp4
We believe God/Jesus Christ/the Holy Spirit is calling the church to recognize the lifelong call to ministry and faithful service in response to that call of many current Designated Lay Ministers.
While their practice of ministry is indistinguishable from that of ordered ministers in the eyes of many church members, DLMs have been frustrated, hurt and disappointed at continuing to be limited to appointments and not eligible for call, paid at lower minimum salary schedule than ordered ministers, and retaining no status as ministry personnel between appointments and in retirement in many regional councils.
It has been suggested that these functional distinctions simply be eliminated for DLMs in current appointments. The conclusion of the “Ministry Leadership in the 2020s” study was that by simply eliminating the distinctions in both practice and function, Designated Lay Ministry and Ordered Ministry would become identical. Therefore, why continue the distinction for DLMs who are effectively functioning as ordered ministers, not as a category of time-limited and localized lay leadership as was conceived for designated lay ministry in 2000?
Please read the background information (appendix in this proposal) as this provides more detail to support the proposals here.
This issue is important because the church has drawn readily on the ministry and service of Designated Lay Ministers since the inception of the stream, effectively treating them as ordered ministers, without the same recognition or rights. In addition, the ongoing lengthy discussion (for the last 15 years or more) about the status of designated lay ministry has left many DLMs feeling undervalued by the wider church.
(We suggest that the General Council deal with each proposal seriatim.)
The General Council Executive recommends that the General Council take the following actions.
This will involve staff and elected member time in: a) further developing the assessment pathway and process leading to testamur and thus to ordination or commissioning
This aligns with S2.02.002 “Resolve: Address the long-term role and trajectory of Designated Lay Ministry, developing a transition plan towards implementing the decision.”
This proposal helps us live into equity in terms of honouring and valuing the ministry provided faithfully by Designated Lay Ministers over the years, recognizing their lifelong call to ministry in the church, which has been no different than ordered ministers.
We strongly encourage reading the background document “DLM Background Information” (appendix) as this provides more detail to support the proposals here.
If this proposal is in response to assigned work – either from General Council or a previous GCE meeting, please list proposal / motion numbers.