This Library contains documents from all recent United Church governance meetings, including General Council and its Executive. It will also soon include “Our Beliefs Explained” official policy documents dating back several decades. If you can't find something you think should be included, contact
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The native peoples occupying the Anicinabe Park, at Kenora, Ontario, have of their own volition given up their arms and turned from the path of violence to a path of open negotiation Keywords: Anicinabe Park, Aboriginal, First Nations, Native Indian
The Churchill-Nelson River Diversion Projects, a massive hydro development undertaken by Manitoba Hydro, involve a major flooding of large areas of northern Manitoba, including reserve lands now inhabited by several thousand native people. To represent the concerns of the native people a Northern Flood Committee, made up of representatives of eight affected communities (treaty and non-treaty) has been formed. The Committee has retained outstanding legal counsel and has chosen Henry Spence as their capable chairman.
The General Council of the United Church asked the government of Canada to take all necessary steps to ban the advertising of all alcoholic beverages on Canadian television.
The 26th General Council urge that much firmer measures be taken to enforce the minimum drinking age laws in all the provinces. Keywords: Alcohol, Liquor, Addiction, Advertising, Law, Youth
The Board of Evangelism and Social Service in its brief to the Senate Committee on Poverty endorsed the concept of a guaranteed annual income Keywords: Economic security, Social Assistance Systems, Social Programs, Guaranteed Annual Income
In this resolution The United Church of Canada called for an immediate and total ban on all advertising of alcohol and tobacco products.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: 1 THAT this General Council reaffirm the stated opposition of the United Church to, “…the testing and use of nuclear weapons anywhere in the world as being a miscarriage of man’s stewardship for human life, the earth and the resources of creation as revealed in Christ”;
WHEREAS South Africa continues to exercise stringent apartheid measures and supports racist policies in Rhodesia, Namibia and the Portuguese African Territories: BE IT RESOLVED that this General Council through the appropriate Departments of Divisions:
WHEREAS the United Nations Charter is revised every ten years; and WHEREAS it is the conviction of this Committee that the government of Canada should be lending all possible support to reform of the UN Charter and the more effective working of the United Nations in the pursuit of world peace:
BE IT RESOLVED that this Twenty-fourth General Council of the United Church of Canada commend to our people the observance of June 21st as a “National Indian Day of Prayer,” and request the Board of Home Missions to make this action known to the people of the church.