This Library contains documents from all recent United Church governance meetings, including General Council and its Executive. It will also soon include “Our Beliefs Explained” official policy documents dating back several decades. If you can't find something you think should be included, contact
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The Sessional Committee, noting that the report had been provided for information, presented the following resolution: The 28th General Council, in the Preamble to the Petition on Inclusive Language, states that “Children, youth, women and men, are all called to be members of the Body of Christ and the household and family of God.” We therefore affirm the work reported by the [Changing roles of Women and Men in Church and Society] Task Force to continue the educational process towards fulfilling its mandate.
WHEREAS it has been thoroughly documented by the Inter-Church Committee for Human Rights in Latin America and the Christian Reformed Church, among others, that there is no protection for refugees in the neighbouring Latin American countries to which they flee; and WHEREAS people living as refugees are often at risk in regard to their personal safety, and may have barely adequate and extremely crowded shelter, with one meal a day and water to drink; and
WHEREAS we, as Christians, recognize all peoples of the earth as our brothers and sisters; and WHEREAS the escalating world arms race is now costing hundreds of billions of dollars a year perverting and squandering precious national resources, robbing the human family of food, water, health, education, housing, roads, transportation and peaceful industry
WHEREAS we have been informed of investigations by church groups from the United States of America which indicate that people who had been returned to El Salvador were killed and that for people to be returned to El Salvador means almost certain death, so that it is therefore important that an alternative place of safety be provided; and Refugees, Asylum, El Salvador, Foreign Policy
This policy statement on the issue of peace and disarmament has been prepared in response to the specific call of the 28th General Council to “recognize the escalation of the arms race, to study the complex issues involved, including the assumptions, values and life-styles giving rise to this escalation, to consider these issues in the light of scripture, doctrine and personal favour…to speak and act clearly, prophetically and courageously on this subject in a way which is faithful to our understanding of Shalom in which Peace, and Justice are linked…” (1980 ROP, p. 923)
The 1979 Annual General Meeting of the DWO (Division of World Outreach) moved that a statement on human rights be prepared for presentation to the 28th General Council. The statement is presented for endorsement by the General Council.
As Amended by the Executive Council of the General Council, November 1989. Preamble As Christians we wish to affirm: The sanctity of human life, born or unborn. That life is much more that physical existence.
WHEREAS we are concerned about the effect of alcohol on unborn babies, specifically: -a complex of growth deficiencies, -physical malformation, -mental retardation known as the fetal alcohol syndrome;
Therefore, we respectfully recommend the following motion: WHEREAS children, youth, women and men are all called to be members of the Body of Christ and the household and family of God. WHEREAS changes of language offers creative and expanding possibilities for Christians in their perceptions of God and of one another.
The gospel calls us to risk and adventure in the name of Jesus Christ; and the example of those who have followed him in obedience even to the cross as they upheld justice and promoted shalom, challenges us to high commitment and trust Keywords: Gambling, Moral Values, Taxation