This Library contains documents from all recent United Church governance meetings, including General Council and its Executive. It will also soon include “Our Beliefs Explained” official policy documents dating back several decades. If you can't find something you think should be included, contact
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WHEREAS as Christians we affirm the sanctity of human life, born or unborn and that life is much more than physical existence; and
Having heard Petition 37, it is MOVED that the 33rd General Council: Designate and establish one Sunday per year as an AIDS Awareness Sunday; and Direct DMC to give publicity to the British Columbia Kit of Worship Resources for AIDS Awareness.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this 33rd General Council direct the Division of Mission in Canada to find the means to address bioethical issues to consider immediately the following: 1. All gene transfers in humans that have even a chance of getting into reproductive cells for passage to future generations, should be prohibited
WHEREAS in spite of the International Marketing Code of the World Health Organization, and in spite of UNICEF’s repeated statements that death from diarrhea is 25 times higher for infants who are bottle fed than those who are breast fed – and in spite of thousands of scientific studies documenting the life-enhancing and life-saving qualities of breast milk, the infant formula industry continues its immoral promotion of dangerous feeding methods, particularly through the distribution of free supplies to hospitals and maternities;
The 33rd General Council again asks the Government of Canada to give urgent attention to, and provide leadership in the development of a food distribution system without food aid or banks, that would guarantee all people an adequate affordable food supply, while at the same time ensuring food producers a fair income. WHEREAS the 32nd General Council called for governments and farm organizations to develop a long term comprehensive national Agriculture and Food policy which would ensure an adequate and stable financial return to the basic food producer and an adequate and dependable supply of nutritious foods for all Canadians at reasonable prices; and
Keywords: Sexuality, Contraception, Abortion, Restorative and Criminal Justice, Gender Justice, Health Care
WHEREAS during the 1950’s and early 1960’s a series of psychiatric experiments was conducted at the Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal, Quebec; and WHEREAS Dr. Ewan Cameron, Director, combined the following techniques to achieve his goals;
Encourage the Division of Mission in Canada to continue its education within the church as to the nature. Transmission and prevention of AIDS and the need for information about blood testing Keywords: HIV/AIDS, Health Care, AIDS Support, AIDS Awareness, AIDS Education
support food aid for emergency needs but remain very cautious about supporting the use of food aid for other purposes, relying upon the wisdom of our partners in such instances, insuring that the root causes of under-development will be addressed and that the food aid will not have adverse consequences for long-term agricultural productivity Keywords: Economic security, Social Assistance Systems, Social Programs, Foreign Aid, Food Aid, Emergency Aid, Food Security
he concern expressed by the 31st General Council Record of Proceedings, pages 120-121, and the guidelines approved by the 30th General Council, Record of Proceedings, pages 106-107 and 325-329, has not been adequately addressed in the published bilateral trade agreement, in particular that it limits our democratic ability to use capital resources for worthy national purposes and our ability to use our democratic and economic institutions to more adequately care for each other as Canadians, working at home and abroad for a truly just, participatory and sustainable society Keywords: Free Trace, Record of Proceedings, economic justice