This Library contains documents from all recent United Church governance meetings, including General Council and its Executive. It will also soon include “Our Beliefs Explained” official policy documents dating back several decades. If you can't find something you think should be included, contact
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THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 37th General Council 1. commit The United Church of Canada, through its ongoing work with coalitions, support advocacy urging the Government of Canada to include the following principles drawn from “Alternatives for the Americas” in all trade negotiations: 1a: Democracy and participation: Citizens should actively participate in the formulation, implementation and evaluation of any trade agreements. 1b: Sovereignty and social welfare: Individual countries should maintain the power to take care of their citizens in the short and long term.
In response to petitions 114, 115, 117, 118 and 119, all of which relate to Housing, Be it resolved that the 37th General Council express its alarm and concern about the housing crisis throughout the country, acknowledge the caring response of many congregations, outreach ministries and individuals to those without adequate housing, and call on the Government of Canada
WHEREAS The United Church of Canada has long critiqued unregulated capitalism which enshrines private gain over public benefit, as evidenced in policy statements dating back to 1950: "The axioms and postulates of laissez-faire are anti-Christian, and lead in the direction, not of democracy, but of managerial dictatorship;"
That the Moderator and the General Secretary write to the Parole Board to say that: while we believe in restorative justice, in the church’s recent experience with Mr. Plint in the Port Alberni trial, there was no evidence of remorse or substantial rehabilitation on his part; the church is aware of and supports concerns for the victims of Mr. Plint; and the church urge the Parole Board to deny parole until such time as Mr. Plint has shown genuine remorse and evidence of rehabilitation.
That the Executive of General Council direct the General Secreatry to write a letter on behalf of the General Council to the Hon. Jane Stewart, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, asking for consultation how the Canadian Government and the churches will work together with First Nations People in addressing the need for healing Residential Schools, Healing, Aboriginal, First Nations, Native Indian
That the Executive of General council instruct the church’s counsel that our involvement in the current Alberni Indian Residential School litigation be primarily focussed on: a) settlement negotiations, formal and informal b) determining the measure of damages of the plaintiffs c) negotiating the church’s fair share of liability with the crown Residential Schools, Aboriginal, First Nations, Native Indian
That the Executive of General Council request the Moderator and the General Secretary to renew their attempt to meet with the Prime Minister of Canada to help pursue a means of dealing with the legacies of Residential Schools which does not involve court driven decisions and other related matters. Residential Schools, Aboriginal, First Nations, Native Indian
Rationale and Faith Base: Paul's advice (Rom. 14:13 TEV): "You should decide never to do anything that would make your brother stumble or fall into sin."
Rationale and Faith Base: Jesus, quoting the Old Testament, said (Mk. 12:30 TEV): '"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.' The second most important commandment is this: 'Love your neighbour as you love yourself,"' Furthermore, Paul advised (Rom. 14:13 TEV): "You should decide never to do anything that would make your brother stumble or fall into sin."
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Division of Mission in Canada, in cooperation with Conferences, initiate contact and seek meetings with Ministers of Education in all the provinces and territories. The intent of these meetings would be to request the development of Native Studies courses to be included as required study for all students.