This Library contains documents from all recent United Church governance meetings, including General Council and its Executive. It will also soon include “Our Beliefs Explained” official policy documents dating back several decades. If you can't find something you think should be included, contact
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WHEREAS primary food production policy needs to reflect an understanding of sustainability THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 33rd General Council endorses the following principles of Sustainable Agriculture.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 33rd General Council of The United Church of Canada establish as its policy that: recycled paper to be used for publications, correspondence, reports, documents, and forms used by the General Council, and encouraged throughout the church, within the practical limits and requirements for existing equipment and specific production requirements for certain documents; this policy be implemented to move toward a goal by the end of 1991 of having the majority of the paper used by paper which has been recycled;
WHEREAS to be a Church signifies not only a willingness but a responsibility to be in solidarity with those suffering the effects of war, particularly the poor; and WHEREAS the world recently witnessed the killing of six Jesuit priests and two women of their household in El Salvador who worked for peace and with the poor; and WHEREAS members of the non-governmental Human Rights Commission (CDHES) and other humanitarian and church organizations continue to disappear, be tortured and harassed and/or expelled as in the case of two Canadians; the Reverend Brian Rudd and Karen Ridd; and WHEREAS Canada is now a full member of the OAS and supports the Esquipulas Peace Accords:
Whereas the Persian Gulf Crisis threatens to erupt into full-scale war of disastrous proportions, potentially involving the use of chemical and nuclear weapons;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that The United Church of Canada be encourage to uphold in its prayers and in continuing solidarity the churches and peoples in the Middle East; and that the 33rd General Council adopt as its own the Canadian Council of Churches’ statement on the Middle East; and that the 33rd General Council, through its Interchurch-Interfaith Committee, encourage dialogue among faith groups in Canada on the Middle East:
That the Government of Canada be called upon to: a) substantially expand Canada’s commendable and important assistance with the implementing and/or monitoring of the Esquipulas peace agreements, and
The 32nd General Council urge the government of Canada to prohibit the testing of cruise missiles over Canadian territory.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 2nd General Council of The United Church of Canada: 1 commend the Government of Canada for the existing legislation which prohibits the use of CFCs in certain aerosols (hair sprays, deodorants and anti-perspirants) and that through writing such legislation be extended to ban CFC propellants in all aerosols and to introduce legislation that would eliminate the use of CFCs in food packaging materials;
WHEREAS the United Church is concerned that much of the agriculture community is facing serious economic, emotional and social stress; and WHEREAS these problems may be aggravated by the absence of a long-term national agriculture and food policy:
The 30th General Council called on the Canadian government to, “Base a policy of Canadian security upon the pursuit of mutual understanding and confidence building, rather than on the development of nuclear warfare civil defence measures.” (p. 57, 30th General Council Record of Proceedings)