This Library contains documents from all recent United Church governance meetings, including General Council and its Executive. It will also soon include “Our Beliefs Explained” official policy documents dating back several decades. If you can't find something you think should be included, contact
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The 34th General Council agrees to 1. affirm the Divisions of Mission in Canada and World Outreach for their involvement with the End Child Prostitution in Asian Tourism (ECPAT) coalition, and through ECPAT to communicate with Canadian tourism organizations to discourage the development of sex trade tourism originating in Canada; and
The 34th General Council recognizes the moral right and the responsibility of United Church congregations to provide sanctuary to legitimate refugee claimants who have been denied refugee status by a process which the church recognizes as being inadequate; and directs the Division of Mission in Canada to make available guidelines to congregations on the legal and financial implications of attempting to provide sanctuary.
The 34th General Council calls upon the Government of Canada and all provincial and territorial administrations to ensure the enshrinement of a social charter in the Constitution of Canada; that this charter guarantee access to basic social, health care, and economic services regardless of gender, ability, race, age, sexual orientation or place of residency; and with a commitment from the federal government to the maintenance of national standards and federal funding to achieve the goals of such a charter.
WHEREAS The United Church of Canada does not have a clearly defined policy on how persons with pastoral responsibilities within The United Church of Canada should respond to disclosures of child abuse; and WHEREAS many legal jurisdictions in Canada have enacted legislation which requires persons with knowledge of sexual and/or physical abuse of children to report their knowledge to appropriate authorities; and
This 33rd General Council urges that all conferences become aware of current studies of child abuse, such as the Rix Rogers, and that they give consideration to the recommendations directed to the churches in this report and that all conferences be asked to assess the adequacy of abuse counselling in their own boundaries; And that this 33rd General Council speak urgently of the needs to their political representatives urging them to give them priority as needed.
The 33rd General Council: 1 urges United Churches across Canada to initiate volunteer literacy programs and/or support literacy programs already established;
We welcome the fact that 22 countries have ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Children and that it is now in effect.
WHEREAS we believe that the Canadian government’s policy and practice of aid for Central American countries do not respect the situation as we see it through our partner’s experience and from our visits; and 1. whether or not a receiving government protects the human rights of its citizens, and 2. whether or not the receiving government is committed to authentic development which will benefit the whole of its people, and there is now a regionally created peace plan (the Esquipulas II Peace Accord) to which all concerned countries have agreed, a country’s compliance to its terms is not an additional criterion; and
Having heard petition #81, the Sessional Committee No. 11 recognizes the theological rationale and preamble, but offers the following resolution: 1 That the General Council of The United Church of Canada reaffirm The United Church of Canada’s previous statements concerning anti-semitism. 2 Review our actions and acknowledge the silence of our church during the years 1933-1945 in relation to the Holocaust in Europe. Racism, Justice, Anti-Semitism, Holocaust, Jews, Theological Education, Ecumenical, Interfaith, Religious, Religion, Ethno-cultural
WHEREAS various individuals and organizations in Canada are publishing and distributing “hate literature” against Jews and other racial and ethnic groups; WHEREAS such writings and distribution of racist ideas and material are in direct opposition to the spirit of Jesus Christ who taught love, reconciliation and the brotherhood/sisterhood of the human family; Racism, Justice, Anti-Semitism, Holocaust, Jews, Ecumenical, Interfaith, Ethno-cultural