Taxonomy Term: GC43 or earlier

GCE36 Minutes 1999-04-23

Minutes from GCE36 meeting held on April 23, 1999.

GCE36 Minutes 1998-10-23

Minutes from GCE36 meeting held on October 23, 1998.

GCE36 Minutes 1998-04-24

Minutes from GCE36 meeting held on April 24, 1998.

GCE36 Minutes 1998-01-21

Minutes from GCE36 meeting held on January 21, 1998.

GCE36 Minutes 1997-11-21

Minutes from GCE36 meeting held on November 21, 1997.

GC41-2012 Record of Proceedings

ROP of the United Church's 41st General Council, August 11-18, 2012, Ottawa, Ontario.

GC40-2009 Record of Proceedings

ROP of the United Church's 40th Council, August 9-15, 2009, Kelowna, British Columbia.

GC39-2006 Record of Proceeding

ROP of the United Church's 39th Council, August 13-19, 2006, Thunder Bay, Ontario.

The Manual, 2007

The Manual of The United Church of Canada, 2007 edition. which came into effect on 1 July 2007.

The Manual, 2010

Since 1928, The Manual has been a valuable resource for members and organized bodies of The United Church of Canada.