Taxonomy Term: GC43 or earlier

GC37 United Church Housing Policy (2000U513)

In response to petitions 114, 115, 117, 118 and 119, all of which relate to Housing, Be it resolved that the 37th… continue reading

GC33 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1990U515)

We welcome the fact that 22 countries have ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Children and that it is now in… continue reading

GC36 Public Review of Nuclear Industry

Having heard Petitions 128 & 130, and noted and given careful consideration to the following concerns: a) economic… continue reading

GC40 Protection of Agricultural Land and Local Food Security (GC 40 2009 – 046)

That the 40th General Council 2009 direct the General Secretary, General Council to develop a study resource to… continue reading

GC41 Prophecy and Empire (GC41 2012 - 053)

1) recognise the emergence of new social movements, which specifically challenge the neo liberal Empire; 2) direct the… continue reading

GC27 Project North (1977P655)

WHEREAS we endorse the right of the native people to help shape the kind of regional development which is taking place… continue reading

GC32 Plant Breeders’ Rights Legislation (1988P416)

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 32nd General Council requests the General Secretary of General Council to request the… continue reading

GC38 A Petition Requesting the United Church of Canada Develop a Position on Human Cloning (2003P262)

WHEREAS we read in Genesis (Gen 1.1) ‘In the beginning God created’ and; WHEREAS throughout scripture we hear an… continue reading

GCE Persian Gulf Crisis (1990P237)

Whereas the Persian Gulf Crisis threatens to erupt into full-scale war of disastrous proportions, potentially involving… continue reading

GC38 Peace-building and Justice Making (2003P217)

As followers of Jesus we are called to live in peace (2 Corinthians 13:11). We believe that the Hebrews Scriptures tell… continue reading