Taxonomy Term: GC43 or earlier

GC31 Peace in Central America (1986P212)

WHEREAS we believe in God of love and justice; and WHEREAS our United Church of Canada has a heritage of support for… continue reading

GC41 Paying Attention to the Global Ocean – Reporting to the 41st General Council, August 2012 (GC41 2012 – 089)

recommend to the General Secretary, General Council for implementation or study the following: take actions over the… continue reading

GC39 Pathways to Peace in the Holy Land (GC39 2006-049)

Declare our willingness to support and participate in the World Council of Churches' proposed week for International… continue reading

GC38 Paths to Peace in Israel and Palestine (2003P162)

the Executive of General Council has affirmed its conviction that “a necessary step towards true peace in the region… continue reading

GC31 Pastoral Care II (1986P111.02)

WHEREAS not all ministers serving in rural charges may have the necessary background and knowledge to be of optimum… continue reading

GC31 Pastoral Care I (1986P111.01)

WHEREAS the Agriculture and Food Resources Committee is concerned that many urban people in Canada do not fully… continue reading

GCE Parole for Arthur Henry Plint (1998P116)

That the Moderator and the General Secretary write to the Parole Board to say that: while we believe in restorative… continue reading

GC30 World Religions: Teaching of in Secondary School Curricula (1984W562)

The issue here is the moral issue of loving our neighbour as ourselves, recognizing our common humanity; education in… continue reading

GC41 Working Group on Palestine Israel Policy

That the 41st General Council 2012: 1) receive the report of The Working Group on Israel/Palestine Policy; 2) direct… continue reading

GCE42 White Privilege (GCE 42 2017)

That The Executive of the General Council as part of its response to the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action, and… continue reading