Taxonomy Term: GC43 or earlier

GC31 Guaranteed Annual Income (1986G715)

WHEREAS the United Church of Canada has historically understood the Christian gospel to affirm the social nature of… continue reading

GC36 Government-Related Gambling and Revenues Therefrom (1997G562)

Rationale and Faith Base: Jesus, quoting the Old Testament, said (Mk. 12:30 TEV): '"Love the Lord your God with all… continue reading

GC34 Government Priority on Sustainable Agriculture (1992G566)

WHEREAS in the Report of the Committee on Agriculture and Food Resources to the 29th General Council in 1982, a family… continue reading

GC33 Government Aid to Multinational Corporations (1990G513)

WHEREAS corporate concentration and control in the market place creates disempowerment for government and food… continue reading

GC31 Government Aid (1986G513)

Urge the Canadian government to restore 1990 as the latest date by which it commits itself to reach the target of 0.7%… continue reading

GC30 Gift, Dilemma and Promise

WE AFFIRM that our sexuality is a gift of God. In its life-enhancing, non-exploitive forms it is a primary way of… continue reading

GC38 Genetically Modified Food - General Principles (2003G255)

We are called to live with respect in creation, taking care that our actions do not seriously harm the greater web of… continue reading

GC36 Nuclear Weapons Abolition (1997N782)

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 36th General Council: a) urge the Government of Canada to support "the initiation and… continue reading

GC38 Nuclear Weapons (2003N782)

Commanded as Christians to love our neighbours and our enemies and to be good stewards of the Earth; Noting that the… continue reading

GC33 Nuclear Submarines (1990N777)

The 33rd General Council urges the Canadian government to: 1. Protest the construction of an acoustic measurement… continue reading